In a recent sermon, I shared with you about having to purchase a new watch. In times past I would have gotten the watch repaired. However, the cost of repairing the watch would have been the same as purchasing a new one. Therefore, I purchased a new one. It seems that we have shifted from a mindset of repairing broken things to tossing them out and replacing them. Sometimes this makes sense when we are dealing with a watch. However, it never makes sense when we are dealing with people. I fear that we now live in a disposable society with values that have negatively impacted even our relationships.
As we approach Valentines Day, the definition of love becomes an important consideration, if we are to rise above the fallen values of a disposable society. We must understand that God’s definition of love is very different than the world’s definition. When I use the word “world”, I’m referring to those values, moral systems, and ways of thinking that are contrary to the purposes of God. I am not referring to God’s created world which is good. Let’s now contrast God’s love with the world’s version of love that masquerades around as if it’s true.
God’s love is self-giving, not selfish.
Here we find a major difference in God’s love and the worldly version. The worldly version uses other people for its own selfish ends. This fake version of love views other human beings and relationships as disposable, on a quest to gratify and advance self, at the expense of others. God’s love is not like this. Our God is utterly selfless in all of His actions and attitudes towards us. This was demonstrated fully on the cross where Jesus died for our sins. Our God is self-giving, not selfish. For Jesus, it was about the welfare of others, not about advancing His cause, at the expense of others. May we be challenged to live according to His beautiful ethic of putting other’s welfare before our own.
God’s love endures and doesn’t fade away.
God’s pure covenant of eternal love toward His people is unbreakable and eternal. God’s character is perfect in every way, there is truly “no shadow of turning in Thee”. In a world of increasing impermanence, we can find rest in the arms of a “permanent” and unchanging God who will never withdraw His faithful covenant love from His children. Jesus Culture stated it best in their song “One thing Remains”: “Your love never fails, it never gives up, it never runs out on me”. I pray that we as Christians would show this type of faithful covenant love to all we come in contact with, for our God desires that all would be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth.
This Valentine’s Day would we be reminded that we serve a God who not only created love but has the right to define what true love is. I pray that we as God’s people would abide by God’s definition of love, not that of the world. In so doing, we will provide a strong and powerful witness to a watching world, affirm that we belong to Him, and testify that our God is real.
Celebrating a Love that Lasts this Valentine’s Day!